
Become a GenTech Partner

Help your customers double their inbound conversion rates and grow your business with new revenue streams.

Channel partner program

If you want to grow your business, look no further than GenTech’s Channel Partner Program. As a partner, you’ll receive the highest level of support and exclusive resources to help unlock your full potential.

Experience the benefits

Revenue Streams

Drive new revenue streams from professional services around GenTech and watch the money roll in


Collaborate with our marketing team across initiatives like webinars, blogs, social media , and events

Sales Enabled

Get access to our comprehensive sales and technical enablement materials to best support your clients

Partner Support

A dedicated partner success manager will be available to help with any questions or requests you have along the way

Recurring Revenue

Sit back and relax as you earn recurring revenue from a 10% revenue share program

Insider Access

Get early access to new GenTech products and features and be among the first to take them for a spin

Schedule a call today to learn more

about joining GenTech’s Channel Partner Program