Air Mavericks

How We Generated $853K in Sales in 6 Months

About Air Mavericks

Air Mavericks is a leading provider in air duct cleaning and restoration services in Florida. They clean out the dirt, debris, and allergens, littering in air ducts, improving the indoor air quality in a home while enhancing the efficiency of heating and cooling systems.

With GenTech Marketing being the industry leader in generating high ticket clients using Facebook Ads, Air Mavericks reached out to us when they decided to scale their business. 

The process

When we met with the Air Mavericks team, they were bouncing around between various marketing strategies that weren’t optimized. Their social media and website looked ok, but the ads that they were running weren’t performing.

They jumped onboard with our Facebook Ad strategy with a small budget. It wasn’t long before they saw leads coming in and converting into paying clients. They increased their ad budget consistently month over month.


Results Achieved

When Air Mavericks partnered with GenTech Marketing, they had a simple goal of $60,000 in additional revenue in 6 months. After starting slow and increasing the ad budget over time we have generated over 4,274 leads which 80% of them converted into paying clients generating over $853,600 in 6 months directly from the Facebook Ads.


Additional Revenue


New Leads


paying Clients

+45 %

Faster meeting scheduling


More revenue per lead

15 %

Higher revenue rate

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