
How We Turned $14K into $134K

About ZonBase

ZonBase is voted the #1 Amazon product research & pay per click (PPC) Software! ZonBase is the one-stop shop for the tools and resources Amazon sellers need to automate processes, make data-driven decisions and grow profitable.

Kevin David is the Founder and CEO of ZonBase. David is also a serial entrepreneur, author, YouTuber, e-commerce specialist and coach! He uses his skills and years of experience to teach people all over the world how to create financial momentum while working from home. Kevin is a self-made entrepreneur who is an expert in finding the best and innovative ways to make money online.

The challenge

ZonBase came to GenTech Marketing to increase lead generation, improve conversion rates, increase sales and revenue, and challenge their internal marketing team!

With GenTech Marketing being the industry leaders in generating sales and leads for high ticket programs through Facebook and Instagram ads, ZonBase reached out to us.

The process

We created a landing page for ZonBase that is an opt-in page to direct users to free training! The free training page utilized a 3 minute timer before allowing users to continue to the next page, which qualified individuals for the following. During the application process we asked questions about users that would qualify them for such a process. On that landing page, we categorized users based on what they qualified for and disqualified users who did not meet the criteria. After that, the sales team took the calls and made the final conversions!The reason this campaign did so well is because of the terminology on the creatives and content, excellent copyright, and by calling out the audience with the answers to frequently asked questions to qualify them. We structured it as a no-brainer offer!

Our ads targeted an audience similar to ZonBase’s previous buyers, high ticketed purchasers. We created a custom audience based on website visitors, ads to cart, and purchases. GenTech also made lookalike audiences, which is a group of social network members who are determined to share characteristics with another group of members. GenTech created a retargeting sequence for ZonBase, which targeted people that had previously created an add to cart, visited the website, or initiated a checkout – but did not make the purchase.

Facebook and Instagram ads are a very powerful tool because they exchange money for attention. We utilized conversion based Facebook and Instagram ads. GenTech Marketing optimizes their ads by creating ads that are relevant to users and then perfecting these ads informed by data collected through A/B tests and user testing. The strategy we use in our Facebook ads is a good quality video that calls out the audience with an offer, a hook, and a call to action (CTA)!

To accomplish these goals, GenTech Marketing utilized Facebook and Instagram targeted ads that reached cold audiences, as well as retargeting audiences, to show their ads to the right audience, on the right platform, at the right time!


Results Achieved

ZonBase spent $14,000 on Facebook and Instagram ads through GenTech Marketing, to generate over $134,000 in subscribers conversion value. True ROAS is the amount of revenue your business earns for each dollar it spends on advertising. The return on ad spend (ROAS) for ZonBase is 9.54x on average.

The Facebook and Instagram conversion ads that we run grow sales by getting people to complete transactions on your website, prompt an action like subscribing, and increase traffic by encouraging people to visit your post-click landing page.

+45 %

Faster meeting scheduling


More revenue per lead

15 %

Higher revenue rate

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