Rocket Dropship

How We Turned $11K into $300K Through Instagram Ads

About Rocket Dropship

Jack Woodburn is the founder and CEO of Rocket Dropship. Rocket Dropship offers a coaching program to teach others how to sell on Amazon with dropshipping.

Dropshipping is the future of e-commerce! It is the process of selling a product without the responsibilities. Dropshipping is the fastest way to scale in e-commerce because there is no stock inventory, no handling products, and no upfront costs.

Jack Woodburn found Amel Kilic and Christian Jamal online when searching for a marketing agency to work with. With GenTech Marketing being the industry leaders in generating sales and leads through ads, Woodburn came to GenTech Marketing to grow his Instagram following and for lead generation.



The process

Jack Woodburn had the goal of making over $10,000 a month. Instantly after Woodburn was onboarded, we took over his ads account and started our process!

To accomplish these goals, GenTech Marketing’s team utilized our multi-platform strategy to show Rocket Dropship’s ads to the right audience, on the right platform, at the right time.

GenTech utilized “Messages” as a campaign goal, a relatively new ad feature, that starts a conversation in your Instagram direct messages when someone in your target audience clicks on your ad. So, instead of sending traffic to a dedicated landing page, we send people into an interactive and engaging conversation with your business.

As a results focused marketing agency, we are dedicated to growing sales, leads and overcoming any business plateaus! And that is exactly what we did.


Results Achieved

Within the first two weeks of working with Woodburn, we were able to 25x his investment. Currently, Rocket Dropship has spent about $11,000 with GenTech Marketing on advertising to generate about $300,000 in sales. This is a 2,627% return on investment, with an investment gain of $289,000.

The Instagram ads converted into about 1,524 direct messaging conversations. In total, the ads that GenTech Marketing ran for Rocket Dropship were shown 352,293 times to 167,163 people. This ad resulted in a 30% appointment ratio, with 467 appointments made, resulting in about 140 sales. Each sale generates about $2,000 which brings the return to 25x.







Our Client Testimonial

+45 %

Faster meeting scheduling


More revenue per lead

15 %

Higher revenue rate

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