Total Dog Tampa

We Built A 20X ROI Campaign For Total Dog Tampa In Just 4 Weeks

About Total Dog Tampa

Total Dog Tampa is a renowned dog training center located in Tampa, Florida, owned by Alyssa Megias. Alyssa had previously relied on word of mouth for lead generation, which resulted in inconsistent leads for her business. The owner had the desire to transition from working “in” the business to working “on” the business. Determined to take her business to the next level and achieve a steady stream of clients, Alyssa partnered with GenTech Marketing. Her ultimate goal was to reach a monthly revenue of $50,000 and expand her business by hiring multiple additional trainers.

The challenge

Total Dog Tampa encountered significant hurdles that hindered its growth trajectory. Their primary challenges included:

Client Generation

Total Dog’s primary challenge was to attract a steady stream of clients, essential for reaching her revenue objectives.

Scaling and Time Allocation

Total Dog aimed to hire new trainers, allowing her to shift her attention towards strategic business growth rather than day-to-day operations.

Inconsistent Leads

Total Dog Tampa had previously relied on word-of-mouth referrals for lead generation, resulting in unpredictable and unreliable leads.

Esteemed digital marketing solutions

GenTech Marketing devised a multi-faceted strategy to address these challenges:

Instagram DM Ads Strategy: To address the lead generation challenge, GenTech designed a comprehensive Instagram DM campaign strategy. Leveraging feed posts, reels, and stories, the team curated engaging and visually appealing ad content to attract the attention of Alyssa’s target audience.

Compelling Copywriting: GenTech’s copywriting experts crafted friendly and inviting ad copy that resonated with dog owners seeking effective training solutions. The copy highlighted Total Dog Tampa’s expertise, unique training methods, and success stories, fostering a sense of trust and credibility among potential clients and compelling viewers to take action.

Engaging Video Content: GenTech produced engaging video content to showcase Total Dog Tampa’s services. These videos featured Alyssa Megias demonstrating effective training techniques, along with dogs displaying their certificates of achievement. These videos helped build trust and credibility among potential clients.

Geo-targeting For Precise Reach: To ensure the ads reached the right audience, GenTech implemented geo-targeting. This strategy ensured that the ads were displayed to users specifically in the Tampa area, where Total Dog Tampa operates

For Total Dog Tampa , we put together a robust digital strategy that includes:

Results Achieved in 3 Weeks

Ad Spend: In under a month, Total Dog Tampa has only spent $1.5K on ad spend, about $50/day, for the Instagram DM ad campaigns.

Conversion Rates and Consultations: The ads generated significant interest, resulting in 157 direct messages (DMs) from potential clients. Out of these, 24 consultations were scheduled, showcasing a strong 16% conversion rate from messages to consultations.

Message Efficiency Improvement: The campaign achieved a significant reduction in cost per message, reaching $6 – $8 per message, optimizing the budget utilization.

Average Order Value (AOV): The average order value for Total Dog Tampa’s services was $2500.

Sales and Revenue: Within the first 4 weeks of working with GenTech, Total Dog Tampa successfully closed 10 deals. This brought in a total revenue of $31K and an ROI of 20X. The $31K revenue generated in under a month demonstrates the potential for Total Dog Tampa to achieve its $50K monthly revenue goal. With a clear path to scaling the business, Alyssa can now focus on expanding her operations and hiring multiple additional trainers.


Conversion Rates


Average Order Value




GenTech Marketing‘s tailored strategy for Total Dog Tampa proved to be a game-changer for Alyssa Megias’ business. By leveraging the power of Instagram DM ads, compelling video content, and strategic geo-targeting, Total Dog Tampa saw remarkable results in a short span of time.

The Total Dog Tampa case study stands as a testament to the synergy between GenTech Marketing’s expertise and Alyssa Megias’ commitment to providing exceptional dog training services. As Total Dog Tampa continues to grow and thrive, GenTech Marketing remains dedicated to driving revenue-focused digital marketing strategies that deliver outstanding results.

+45 %

Faster meeting scheduling


More revenue per lead

15 %

Higher revenue rate

Start driving SEO results with GenTech