704 Wrap City

Generating $95K in Sales in 3 Months for 704 Wrap City

About 704 Wrap City

704 Wrap City is a one-stop solution for business vehicle wraps in the Charlotte area. They are a visual marketing company that provides design, print, and installation services around the country. With over 20 years of design and installation experience, they have completed over 900 wraps.


The process

When we met with the 704 Wrap City team, they were bouncing around between various marketing strategies that weren’t optimized. Their social media and website looked ok, but the ads that they were running weren’t performing.

They jumped onboard with our Facebook Ad strategy with a small budget. It wasn’t long before they saw leads coming in and converting into paying clients. They increase their ad budget by week 3.


Results Achieved

When 704 Wrap City partnered with GenTech Marketing, they had a simple goal of $30,000 in additional revenue in 90 days. After we increased the ad budget in week 3, we hit $25,000 in the first month.

We generated over 120 leads in 90 days, in which 32 of those turned into paying clients. Their ROI including our service fee was over 6X. As they continue to improve their close rate and we continue optimizing their ads, we are expecting to generate over $480,000 in the next 12 months.




+45 %

Faster meeting scheduling


More revenue per lead

15 %

Higher revenue rate

Start driving SEO results with GenTech