Black Swan Insurance

Effective Lead Generation for Recruiting Insurance Agents

About Black Swan Insurance

Black Swan Insurance helps people across the country find the best life insurance, debt elimination and tax-free retirement solutions they are looking for to protect their families and their futures.

One characteristic that many businesses have in common is the desire for growth. Growth can improve reputation, increase profits and lead to new opportunities for success. If you are a manager at a small or midsize insurance agency, growth for the agency may require that you recruit new insurance agents to continue providing quality service! Effective lead generation can be the life force of your business. Although it’s possible to find talented agents by other means, recruitment can help to give you an advantage over competitors so that you gain top talent.

The challenge

Black Swan Insurance came to GenTech Marketing to grow their team by recruiting new agents to build their sales team. With GenTech Marketing being the industry leaders in lead generation through Facebook and Instagram ads, Black Swan Insurance reached out to us.

The process

After meeting with Black Swan Insurance and discussing their goals and objectives, GenTech Marketing decided to utilize a lead generation campaign using Instagram and Facebook ads. The goal of the lead generation campaign is to recruit and hire new agents for Black Swan Insurance.

Recruitment advertising helps organizations reach candidates across social media platforms to generate a consistent pipeline of talent that can ultimately be hired. It involves adopting the same principals and strategies used by marketing to attract candidates and increase brand awareness. Employers must be proactive in their approach to attracting candidates, and recruitment marketing is the solution!

Facebook and Instagram ads are a very powerful tool because they exchange money for attention. By advertising across both platforms, Black Swan Insurance will have more opportunity to reach their target audience and find quality leads. GenTech Marketing optimizes their ads by creating ads that are relevant to users and then perfecting these ads informed by data collected through A/B tests and user testing.

The strategy we use in our Facebook and Instagram ads is a good quality video or image that calls out the audience with an OFFER, a HOOK, and a CALL TO ACTION (CTA)! This formula produces ads that convert. The objective of this strategy is to increase brand awareness, lead generation and brand consideration.

Results Achieved in 1 Site

In only one month, the lead generation campaign for Black Swan Insurance on Facebook and Instagram ads through GenTech Marketing generated about 50 leads which averaged a cost per result of $14.14 per on-Facebook leads. The campaign generated 551 clicks with a cost per click averaged to be $1.26 with a click through rate of 5.14%.

This campaign reaches about 8,323 people with a total of 10,818 impressions. We were able to meet their goals of growing their team by generating leads through Facebook and Instagram ads. Recruitment is the lifeblood of an agency that grows and expands long into the future. Move from independent insurance broker to successful agency with the support of GenTech Marketing!


Click Through Rate


Total Impressions



+45 %

Faster meeting scheduling


More revenue per lead

15 %

Higher revenue rate

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